Director & Assistant Director of Residential Life
The Director & Assistant Director of Residential Life have the role of oversight and management of the housing program at the College of the Redwoods. The responsibilities of these positions are many and varied: long-range program planning; training, supervision and evaluation of the full-time residence hall staff members; physical plant maintenance; working to maintain a safe, secure environment for residents; summer program coordination; and helping to set and maintain community standards of behavior.
Residential Assistants
Each floor in the residence halls has a part-time student staff member, the Resident Assistant (RA). The RAs are para-professionals who are hired and extensively trained by the college as peer helpers. An RA is responsible for the safety, security, and well being of a group of approximately 30 students. If residents have questions or need help or friendly advice, the RA is usually the student’s best resource. RAs also plan activities and events to help make community living more enjoyable.